Workflows Supporting tagline
1. Importing CSV file into QGIS
Create a .csvt file with type of attribute data (“Real”, “Integer”, “String”)
Import it into QGIS with “Add Delimited Text Layer” tool
Save it as shapefile.
1. Interpolate with RST
Create a vector layer delimiting your area of interest (named here limit) if required with QGIS)
Open or create a new GRASS region/mapset
Import QGIS vectors (mask and vector file to be interpolated) into Grass with module
Convert the newly imported limit layer to raster with module
Intepolate with module
Apply your own or predetermined colour palette (see below on how to create customized colour palette) with r.colors.rules or r.colors.table to your new inteporlated raster file
Export and colourized definitely your raster file with r.out.tiff (with compression: defflate and “Output TIFF world file” checked)
Now on QGIS, clip (cut the newly created tiff file with the boundary of your limit layer) with Raster/Extraction/Clipper
When you export in tiff and colourize your GRASS raster file, values will be transformed into integers, so if the range of value to be interpolated is too small (for instance between 0.1 and 0.9) then your output tiff will contain only one colour (as values will be converted to integer -here 0-). The solution is to scale your raster value with module (multiplying your values by 100 or 1000 for instance).
You might face a problem in clipping the raster file with QGIS Clipper tool (message ‘Cannot compute bounding box of cutline’ appearing). A work around is to edit the gdal code (press the yellow pencil) and to replace the -crop_to_line command argument by -r cubic one.
See video tutorial on YouTube WORKFLOW-Interpolation RST
2. Design colour palette (difference oriented)
- Create a new text file with the following content:
-457 0 133 172
-320 0 167 204
-240 94 193 208
-160 145 214 223
-80 180 222 217
0 201 224 198
120 222 217 179
240 223 207 145
360 208 183 93
480 199 151 5
644 167 122 4
- Use this text file to colourized your interpolation raster with r.colors.rules module