Installation Supporting tagline
Dropbox is a file hosting service allowing to:
- store your files online
- synchronize your files between different computers (laptop, desktop for instance)
- share specific folders with other persons and work collaboratively
- Access your files (through a specific URL) from any website.
To take a dropbox tour click here.
A Dropbox account has been created for ARCAL RLA 5/051 Decision Support System project (Login and password will/have been sent to you). This account will offer several interesting opportunities:
share a common folder name ‘arcal_dss’ where each participant country would share relevant datasets or files:
- measurements files
- pictures of studies sites
- general documentation on your intitiative
share tutorials (additionnaly to those provided in this website), tools, resources, …
make specific datasets publicly available allowing to download it directly from the Decisions Support System (see DSS related tutorials)
Set up the sharing platform
CASE 1: You are already a Dropbox user and have an account.
- send me your e-mail address used and associated with your dropbox account. I will share the specific folders.
CASE 2: You don’t have yet a Dropbox account and want to create one.
- Go there to create a Dropbox account and install it on your computer
- send me your e-mail address used and associated with your dropbox account. I will share the specific folders.
Please, note that to create your DropBox account, you need to use your e-mail address (professional or personal one), not the ARCAL RLA5/051 one.
CASE 3: You don’t have yet a Dropbox account and don’t want to create one.
- No problem, you can access ARCAL RLA 5/051 Dropbox account directly online using the login and password sent by e-mail. Once logged in, you can add, remove, update any folders, files
In case 1 and 2, once your account created and associated e-mail address is sent to me, you will receive an invitation to access a shared folder. Once invitation accepted, you will gain access to the shared folders.
WARNING: Dropbox allows to share and synchronize folders and files. It means that if you delete a file or a folder, they will be deleted online and on participants local dropbox folders account as well. ALWAYS BACKUP ON OTHER FOLDERS IMPORTANT FILES