Colour Encoding Supporting tagline
The study of colours is complex and different points of view provide a theoretical framework:
- the physical theory: type of light, electromagnetic waves of definite lengths, …
- the chemical theory: type and properties of dyes (colorantes), with their production, …
- the physiological theory of color: studies the process of color perception by the eye, …
- the psychological theory of color: studies colors as a subjective experience, sensations and ideas evoked by colors.
A good introduction to these topics is:
The purpose of this page is not to dive into these theories but only to provide the basics knowledge required to specify colors. There are many different reds, blues, … we need an accurate system allowing to specify it.
1. Additive color model
2. Hue versus Value
3. Hue versus Saturation
4. Hue versus Saturation (high Value)
5. Hue versus Saturation (Low Value)
6. Encoding
Each primary colour is encoded between 0 and 255
Each color being a composition of Red, Green, Blue, a color can be specified as (125,122,12) for instance in decimal.
Color are frequently specified as Hexadecimal as well.